Choosing who you go to for your ‘tweakments’!
When it comes to choosing who you go to for your ‘tweakments’, if you’re a patient of mine or if you’re simply just interested to know more about dermal fillers… then read on.
Your face is precious, it’s your identity, and how you feel about how yourself matters. We all have different wants, needs and expectations, and my role is to help you manage all of them. Being a medic, I am able to provide in depth consultations. I can assist with any complications that might arise from the use of dermal fillers because I am a prescriber and I have an anatomical understanding of the structure of the face.
When you choose a practitioner it’s extremely important to understand their level of experience, qualifications, and training. With aesthetics being readily available almost anywhere and everywhere, choosing who you can trust can be a bewildering process.
Why Choose Dr Raquel Amado?
My thirst for knowledge is endless. If you follow my social channels, you’ll have seen the reels of my teaching. What a privilege this is, to train and share my knowledge , mould and mentor the practitioners of tomorrow. Working in education alongside my clinic, allows me to stay at the top of my game, and my peak professional standard.
Education builds my experience, my first-hand insight and teaches me new techniques. Being a patient of mine means receiving only the best tried and tested methods in dermal fillers, using cutting edge research and delivery, along with a quality product. Surely when selecting a practitioner to work with you, experience and safety must be the number one priority?
A Trainer of Practitioners
Furthering the level of education and experience in other practitioners quickly became a passion of mine after studying my level 7 in Aesthetics at The Harley Academy. My trainer at that time saw my potential to train others and over the years that’s where I’ve invested my time. The personal reward can’t be measured, and making a difference to this industry and in turn other people’s lives is my inspiration.

In clinic I make decisions based on your anatomy and your safety. My years of training, first-hand experience and my understanding of possible complications allows me to make decisions that are right for my patients, to get the safest, optimal results.
For example, when we are treating the nasolabial folds with dermal fillers it is dangerous to use a needle; this area is packed with blood vessels and so my use of a cannula with a round edge is a much safer way. Knowing and understanding structural anatomy ensures that we don’t compromise the area in any way. Unfortunately, not all practitioners have this knowledge and as you can imagine, this could gravely affect your treatment and result.
Cleanliness and Hygiene
A clean, hygienic clinic and practice is key to success, with a thorough cleaning of the area prior to your treatment, and the use of sterile gloves when using dermal fillers. Microscopic bacteria entering the skin can cause complications that can easily be avoided by best practice when it comes to hygiene. I will always discuss your aftercare and follow up on your treatment. However, every treatment will have limitations, so although you may feel I spend a long-time consulting when I know you are just champing at the bit to get those results, it’s important to me that each one of my patients has a detailed consultation. If your expectations are not exactly in line with what I can deliver, we are already not on the same page. If I believe that the treatment you have selected isn’t the right one for you we will discuss this, and potentially, not proceed. We will explore the alternatives, so that you are equipped with the right information to make an informed decision for yourself.
Treatments Specific to You, the Patient
Let’s use lip filler as an example. Upon consulting with me about any form of lip enhancement, a key question would be to understand if you have a history of cold sores (herpes simplex). This virus is often awakened through trauma to the area, therefore something invasive to the lip area could bring out the virus and bring complications. Being a prescriber, I would ask your history of cold sores within the last 12 months, and if you have been affected 2 times or more then I would prescribe a course of anti-viral medicine to prevent this prior to doing the lip treatment . Again, being a medic and understanding the anatomy and its systems in conjunction with an in-depth knowledge of aesthetics will only ever serve my patients well.
Whilst we are talking lips, (do you like what I did there?), did you know that if you are thinking about having braces, or have been fitted for braces, then I would recommend holding off on any lip filler before you and your dentist are happy with the alignment of your teeth. Braces move and change the positioning of your teeth. Therefore, affect your lips and how they protrude. Having lip filler prior to your braces would mean that perhaps later down the line you may need more, or less. Again, by providing the information and managing expectations we can ensure that you get the result you were looking for, and for those results to be as long lasting as possible.

When all is said and done ‘the bone sets the tone’ and when we consult for aesthetic procedures and dermal fillers, we create in line with the structure of your unique face. My experience and education, even down to working with complication clinics, allows me to work on you safely, in the knowledge that if there is a complication, I will know what to do.
So, when you’re selecting your aesthetics practitioner, or even chatting over coffee with friends about the possibility of having something tweaked with dermal fillers, I urge you to always choose wisely.
Stay tuned to my reels and see me teaching in action! And check my Instagram @drraquelamado for my regular updates!
If all of this has captured your interest, and you would like to discover more, click here to book a consultation today. I would love to hear from you!