Becoming an Aesthetics Practitioner: My journey

By Dr. Raquel Amado on the 17th August 2020

How does someone become an aesthetics practitioner?

And how can you be sure you’ve found a professional who has the right training and experience?

Some of you might already know my story.

I trained for six years to become a qualified dentist, studying human physiology and pathology. Specifically, I studied the biology of the head and neck, giving me an in-depth understanding of this very delicate area of the body.

I then put this knowledge into practical use, practicing as a dentist for 12 years. It was during this time that my interest in medical aesthetics really began to develop – and I attended a weekend training course. At that point, I really fell in love with aesthetics, and I embarked on my journey to learn as much as I could about the industry.

The importance of proper training has always been a priority for me. I completed several qualifications, but it was only when I joined the Level 7 at Harley Academy, the UK’s largest postgraduate training provider in aesthetic medicine, that I felt I was on the right path.

When I finished my Level 7, I was invited to become a Clinical Mentor at Harley Academy, where I can pass on the knowledge that I had worked to build and help others move into the industry.

My background means that the safety of my clients is paramount – and I have found many of my clients are reassured by my medical training, especially if it’s their first time having a treatment.

When looking for an aesthetics practitioner, it’s important to find someone you really trust and feel safe with. A simple Google search will produce thousands upon thousands of results for aesthetics professionals – so how do you know who is the right one for you, and who has the correct training?

Glowday’s goal is to make booking an aesthetic treatment safe and easy – connecting people confidentially with the best medically qualified professionals.

I recently spoke to the team at Glowday about my journey into aesthetics, as well as what I have planned for the future of Dr Raquel Skin & Medical Cosmetics.

You can read the full interviewhere.



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