I will always be available to answer questions or concerns pre- and post-treatment, drawing on my in-depth expertise to provide support to every patient during their treatment journey.
Consultations are thorough and free of complicated medical jargon so that patients can make informed, no-pressure decisions about their treatment journey. No treatment or product will ever be recommended which the patient does not need.
I will ensure you feel relaxed and comfortable during your procedure with minimal to no discomfort, and I will always provide a gentle approach and full aftercare.
Safety and natural-looking results are my priority and I will never compromise on these.�
I will never recommend a treatment or product that I don’t personally endorse and have an in-depth knowledge of and experience working with.
I will always try to offer you the best price possible while never sacrificing the quality of care and level of results. I will always be mindful of my patients’ budget, offering honest advice and tailored treatments.
Ensuring that all patients go home with a positive experience and great natural-looking results is the primary goal at Skin and Medical Cosmetics.